When you fall in love overseas there's always an expiration date because one of you or both are going back home...this could be for a variety of reasons, contracts up, visa is about to expire, homesickness (that's a very real one!) any number of reasons could mean that's it let's say goodbye, or worse let's try long distance and see how it goes. I did long distance for nearly two years, but that's a blog post for another time.
When it becomes serious you have to pick a country. But which one? And how do you do that? You can't do, a few years here and a few years there...you need stability, you need to set down some roots.
The thing is there is no quick and easy way to decide. There is no one solution that will work for everyone. All couples have their own unique situation but I can say be honest, talk about it and be open to ideas.
We just sat down and spoke at length. We were very clear about what we would and would not compromise on. I'd travelled around my whole life, India, Saudi Arabia, Australia. I was used to picking up and starting over but Aaron had never left Korea (he'd travelled but never lived away from home). He has been nothing but kind and supportive as he's helped me settle into life in Korea. The adjustment hasn't been difficult because I love it here and loved it long before I met Aaron but it hasn't been easy either. It was important to me that I found a job that allowed time off to travel so I could go home, (summer holidays perks of being a teacher) I'm also only an hour ahead of Perth so it's easy to keep in touch, I don't have to contend with a time difference.
We talked at length about all these things, time differences, visas, contracts, jobs etc...before we decided on making Korea our home...although Australia isn't off the table.
I guess what I'm trying to say is there is no solution about how you pick where you will both live but you need to come up with a way that works for both of you, when picking a country.
It's exciting, wonderful, challenging and I wouldn't change it for the world!