Need an CNI
I emailed the Australian Embassy in Seoul and told them I was planning in marrying a Korean. The embassy set up an appointment for me to recieve my CNI.
*There is no expiration date on a CNI which can make Korean officials at the Marriage Registration Office a bit worried depending on how thorough they are. The lady my husband and I spoke to was very kind but inisisted we called the Embassy and got them to confirm there is no expiration date - Koreans prefer documents to be less than three months!
Below is an email I recieved from the Australian Embassy in Seoul.
Dear Juanita Shepherd,
Prior to your appointment, please read the information below and fill out the attached Application for Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage (CNI).
첨부된 CNI 신청서를 출력하여 작성 후 대사관 방문 시 지참하시기 바랍니다. (마지막 페이지 서명란 제외)
The Embassy will issue you a CNI in English which you will then be required to submit to the local district office to register your marriage in Korea. You will then be able to receive a marriage certificate issued by the Korean government. Please note that you will be required to translate your CNI into Korean when registering your marriage to the local district office – this can be done personally or through local translating services.
Please bring both yours and your partner’s original passports. 본인과 배우자로 등록하실 분의 실물 여권을 지참하셔야 합니다.
If you or your partner have been previously married, then you are also required to provide us the original divorce or death certificate (in English).
본인 혹은 배우자로 등록하실 분이 예전에 혼인 경력이 있다면 영문 혹은 영문 성명이 표기된 이혼 또는 사망증명서 원본을 지참하셔야 합니다.
For payment, only credit cards and check cards are accepted, the Embassy no longer accepts cash. 카드 결제만 가능합니다.

2. This was the only document I needed, together with my ARC and passport.
3. The Marriage Registration document can be found online and is in Korean.
4. If your witness is a foreigner make sure you take a copy of their ARC with you to the Marriage Registration office. The witness does not need to be present with you and if the witness is Korean then you don't need to prove their ID they just fill out their name, address, date of birth on the marriage certificate.
5. Make an appointment with the registration office. They will process the paperwork and you'll recieve a text message within three days saying you're married!
Congratulations! ❤️❤️❤️❤️